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University Philosophy

The University serves the INDIVIDUAL by providing the student with a nurturing environment for optimal human flourishing. It serves the Community by offering programs responsive to individual and social needs.

Legal Bases

a) The Philippine Constitution and National documents:

  • The 1987 Philippine Constitution - The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make education accessible to all.
  • Republic Act No. 8292, the Higher Education Modernization Act, the sets forth the powers of governing boards of state universities and colleges, bestowing on them corporate powers, and prescribing for their organization and operation.
  • The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 is the first medium-term plan to be anchored on a national long-term vision, or AmBisyon Natin 2040, which represents the collective vision and aspirations of Filipinos for themselves and for the country. The PDP also takes off from the Administration's 0-10 point Socio economic Agenda and is informed by inputs from the cross-section of stakeholders and the general public.
  • The plan is aligned with Executive Order No. 05, s. 2017 (Ambisyon Natin 2040) Adopting the "Twenty-Five" year long term vision entitled Ambisyon Natin 2040 as guide for development planning.
  • The Philippine Development Plan contains seven main parts, which include an overview of the economy, development challenges that lie ahead, and development strategies thoroughly articulated through chapters on Enhancing the Social Fabric, Inequality-Reducing Transformation, Increasing Growth Potential, Enabling and Supportive Economic Environment, and Foundations for Inclusive and Sustainable Development.

b) Office of the President

  • In consideration of the 10-Point Socioeconomic Agenda of the Duterte Administration, the following are covered in the plan:
  • 1. Continue and maintain current macroeconomic policies, including fiscal, monetary, and trade policies;
  • 2. Increase competitiveness and the ease of doing business. This effort will draw upon successful models used to attract business to local cities;
  • 3. Promote rural and value chain development toward increasing agricultural and rural enterprise productivity and rural tourism;
  • 4. Invest in human capital development, including health and education systems, and match skills and training to meet the demand of businesses and the private sector; and
  • 5. Promote science, technology, and the creative arts to enhance innovation and creative capacity toward self-sustaining, inclusive development.

c) Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Strategic Plan for 2011-2016

  • The plan incorporated CHED's aims to achieve the following objectives: Improve the relevance of higher education institutions (HEIs), programs, systems, and research to respond to the thrusts of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), 2011 - 2016; upgrade the quality of higher education institutions, programs and systems in the country towards achieving international standards; broaden access to quality higher education of those who seek it; efficiently and effectively manage the higher education system ensuring transparency and integrity in its programs and activities as its commitment to moral ascendancy; and strengthen the Commission on Higher Education and other major stakeholders.

d) Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and CHED

  • Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2016 that covers the program's alignment with ASEAN Standard, ASEAN Quality Reference Framework (AQRF), ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQN), and ASEAN University Network (AUN) as part of the plan and alignment with Typology-Based Quality Assurance known as CMO 46, s. 2012.
  • The plan also adopted the program expenditure classification-based performance-informed budgeting (prexc-pib) for the preparation of the proposed national budget for fiscal year 2018
  • The PREXC continues to explore measures that would improve accountability and integrity in the use of public resources by ensuring transparency, fiscal responsibility, results-orientation, efficiency, and effectiveness. In like manner, the university plan strengthens the integration of planning, budgeting, and performance management.



"WHEREAS, the establishment of a state university in the Province of Cagayan will provide better service in professional and technical training in the arts, sciences, humanities and technology and in the conduct of scientific research and technological studies"

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Contact Us

  • Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500

  • Phone: (078) 844-0098/0099 Loc. 122

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  • Official Gazette
  • Comission on Higher Education
  • Department of Budget and Management
  • Commission on Audit
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Civil Service Commission
  • National Economic and Development Authority