
Call for Submissions

Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences

The CSU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CSU JPAS) is a university-based and international research journal that provides an advanced dialogue for research programs, projects, and studies relating to pure and applied Sciences. It will publish original research papers and review papers of students, faculty, and researchers in the university. It aims to encourage researchers and scientists to have their research findings flow as part of the life and blood of pure and applied sciences that shall allow invention, innovation & policy translation to flourish.
The CSU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CSU JPAS) will be an open-access journal publishing original research outputs biannually, in January to June and July to December issues. The scope of the journal aims to bring the highest quality of research outputs . For Pure sciences component, it will cover recent topics and concepts in Biosciences and biodiversity, Chemistry, Health Sciences, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics. As to its Applied science component, it will include topics on Engineering, Food technologies, Marine Science, Robotics, Statistics, and Transportation.
Journal Pure and Applied Sciences aims to disseminate latest research findings and innovation in various fields of studies through online and print journal. It ensures the quality of manuscript for publication through confirming and verifying its academic integrity and adherence to the standards and policies of responsible conduct of research. This policy is also established to emphasize the importance of meeting and maintaining the highest quality of ethical standards and scientific validity. It encourages authors to commit themselves with competence in practicing credibility and professionalism gearing towards the culture of excellence through collaboration with the international research community in publication.
Publication Practice
Authors should submit their research articles in accordance with the author guidelines as prescribed by the journal. Research articles to be submitted for publication should not be previously published nor considered to another publication elsewhere. The author should clearly declare the originality of the research work which had never been accepted for other journals. Copying of another’s research work without citing the original source and considering it as one’s own work is an unethical practice and in the field of research and professional practice, this is completely unacceptable. Plagiarism takes place in five types: copy & paste plagiarism, word switch plagiarism, style plagiarism, metaphor plagiarism and idea plagiarism.
Authorship Practice
Authorship credit must be based on the major contribution of each author on the conceptualization and design of the study; revision of the paper that provides substantial insights and implications to findings, collection, analysis and interpretation of data until the completion of research in drawing conclusions and recommendations with action plan or program. No one among the primary authors who met these criteria would be omitted from the authorship. People without any considerable involvement or substantial intellectual participation in the research process would not be considered as one of the authors like those who obtain funds for the research, collect important data and materials, or coordinate with the publication are considered significant but do not qualify for authorship as well as the inclusion of ‘ghost author’ is highly discouraged. The corresponding author shall be responsible in communicating with the Editor to accomplish the copyright form and inform the co-authors regarding the status of the research article submitted and accepted to JPAS to avoid multiple submission of paper to other journals at the same time. If the paper is rejected for publication to JPAS that is the right time to submit the research article to other journals. The corresponding author is also responsible in the accuracy of the content of the paper particularly the complete list of the names of the co-authors, updated affiliations and email addresses.
Editorial Responsibilites
Submitted papers will be evaluated based on its scientific and systematic research method and not through lack of technical novelty. Fair decision will be observed by the editorial board irrespective of race, culture, origin, gender or citizenship of the author. Situations that may lead to conflicts of interest should be avoided.
Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists. By submitting the manuscript, it is believed that the author(s) will be responsible of any disputed content in the respective paper/article and author(s) provide formal consent to the publisher and transfer of copyright. The Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Peer-reviewers and Editorial Board Members of the journal cannot be held responsible for any errors, controversies or any consequences from the use of information contained in the journal. It is also be accepted by the manuscript submitted that he/she shall never challenge the Editors/Publisher in any court of law for any issue. The concepts and views expressed in the research papers/articles in the journal do not essentially correspond to the views of the publisher/editor. The publisher/editor of the journal is not liable for errors or any consequences arising from the exercise of information contained in it.

CSU Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CSU JSSH) accepts reviewing scientific articles to the journal’s focus and scope. The paper must comply with the following standards:

  1. Papers must follow the CSU journal template/ format & showed written in English language only.
  2. Papers must be original, not be published or under review in another journal or any other media.
  3. Must be sent to:
As part of the paper submission process, the authors are asked to comply with the following items:
  1. The Paper submitted has not been previously published.
  2. The submitted file is uploaded to the online website following the Microsoft Word (MS Word doc), Rich Text Format (RTF), or Open Office(ODT).
  3. The recommended word count for submissions is approximately 7000-8000. A manuscript should be no more than 10.000 words; this limit includes figures, references, and tables. All tables and figures should be inserted into the text. Significant feature articles may be somewhat longer than 10,000 words at the discretion of the editors. The abstract should be less than 250 words. It is not allowed to use abbreviations in the title. The proofreading of the paper should be done before the submission professionally. The journal editor may request the proofreading certificate.
  4. The corresponding author should always be willing to participate in the peer-review process and obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes. A list of references should be included in the submitted paper. Grant/financial support should be stated in the paper if available. All authors are expected to contribute significantly to the research.
  5. Page style: Articles should be typed in 12-point font on an A4 page, paginated, and double-spaced. Margins should be set as top & bottom: 2,5 cm and left & right 2,5 cm. The title should be followed by an abstract of 150 to 250 words and 3 to 5 keywords. Footnotes should be avoided, and endnotes kept to a minimum. All pages should be numbered.
  6. References: Paper format, including references, should follow American Psychological Association (APA) (7th Edition) style.
  7. Article Processing Fee: There is no fee for manuscript submission to Journal. However, CSU journal charges the author(s) an article processing fee. Because our journal works typically by subscription, for the articles to have open access, the author(s) is/are required to pay an article processing charge (APC). The journal has no other choice but open access. The journal has an Article Publishing Charge (APC) to support open access.
  8. Publication Ethics and Plagiarism Policy: Publication Ethics Statement; for all parties involved in the publishing process (authors, Editorial Board, and reviewers), it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior.
  9. The time required for the review process depends on the response of the referees. The review process usually takes 2-3 months, depending on the topic and the reviewers’ availability. Should the referees’ reports contradict one another or a report is unnecessarily delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. In rare cases for which it is tough to find a second referee to review the manuscript, or when the one referee’s report has thoroughly convinced the Editor, decisions at this stage to accept, reject, or ask the author for a revision are made based on only one referee’s report. The Editor’s decision will be sent to the author with recommendations made by the referees, which usually include verbatim comments by the referees. Revised manuscripts might be returned to the initial referees, who may request another manuscript revision.
  10. Complaints Related to Policies, Procedures, Editorial Content, and Actions of the Editorial Staff: The procedure to make a complaint is easy. The complaint can be made by writing an email. Ideally, the complaint should be made to the person with whom the complainant is in regular contact for the matter being complained about. All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days.

Journal of Social Science and Humanities

The CSU Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CSU JSSH) is a university-based and international research journal that provides an advanced dialogue for research programs, projects, and studies relating to social science and humanities. It will publish original research papers and review papers of students, faculty, and researchers in the university. Its aim is to encourage researchers and scientists to have their research findings flow as part of the life and blood of social science and humanities for that shall allow invention, innovation.
The CSU Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CSU JSSH) will be an open-access journal publishing original research outputs biannually, in January to June and July to December issues. The scope of the journal aims to bring the highest quality research outputs of researchers in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities. Its Social Sciences will cover topics on Architecture, Business and Economics, Communication and Media studies, Education, Psychology, Public Policies ad Laws, and Sociology. The Humanities component will cover topics on Arts and Culture, Language and Literature, Sports and Music, and Philosophy.
Journal of Social Science and Humanities aims to disseminate latest research findings and innovation in various fields of studies through online and print journal. It ensures the quality of manuscript for publication through confirming and verifying its academic integrity and adherence to the standards and policies of responsible conduct of research. This policy is also established to emphasize the importance of meeting and maintaining the highest quality of ethical standards and scientific validity. It encourages authors to commit themselves with competence in practicing credibility and professionalism gearing towards the culture of excellence through collaboration with the international research community in publication.
Publication Practice
Authors should submit their research articles in accordance with the author guidelines as prescribed by the journal. Research articles to be submitted for publication should not be previously published nor considered to another publication elsewhere. The author should clearly declare the originality of the research work which had never been accepted for other journals. Copying of another’s research work without citing the original source and considering it as one’s own work is an unethical practice and in the field of research and professional practice, this is completely unacceptable. Plagiarism takes place in five types: copy & paste plagiarism, word switch plagiarism, style plagiarism, metaphor plagiarism and idea plagiarism.
Authorship Practice
Authorship credit must be based on the major contribution of each author on the conceptualization and design of the study; revision of the paper that provides substantial insights and implications to findings, collection, analysis and interpretation of data until the completion of research in drawing conclusions and recommendations with action plan or program. No one among the primary authors who met these criteria would be omitted from the authorship. People without any considerable involvement or substantial intellectual participation in the research process would not be considered as one of the authors like those who obtain funds for the research, collect important data and materials, or coordinate with the publication are considered significant but do not qualify for authorship as well as the inclusion of ‘ghost author’ is highly discouraged. The corresponding author shall be responsible in communicating with the Editor to accomplish the copyright form and inform the co-authors regarding the status of the research article submitted and accepted to JPAS to avoid multiple submission of paper to other journals at the same time. If the paper is rejected for publication to JPAS that is the right time to submit the research article to other journals. The corresponding author is also responsible in the accuracy of the content of the paper particularly the complete list of the names of the co-authors, updated affiliations and email addresses.
Editorial Responsibilites
Submitted papers will be evaluated based on its scientific and systematic research method and not through lack of technical novelty. Fair decision will be observed by the editorial board irrespective of race, culture, origin, gender or citizenship of the author. Situations that may lead to conflicts of interest should be avoided.
Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists. By submitting the manuscript, it is believed that the author(s) will be responsible of any disputed content in the respective paper/article and author(s) provide formal consent to the publisher and transfer of copyright. The Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Peer-reviewers and Editorial Board Members of the journal cannot be held responsible for any errors, controversies or any consequences from the use of information contained in the journal. It is also be accepted by the manuscript submitted that he/she shall never challenge the Editors/Publisher in any court of law for any issue. The concepts and views expressed in the research papers/articles in the journal do not essentially correspond to the views of the publisher/editor. The publisher/editor of the journal is not liable for errors or any consequences arising from the exercise of information contained in it.

CSU Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CSU JSSH) accepts reviewing scientific articles to the journal’s focus and scope. The paper must comply with the following standards:

  1. Papers must follow the CSU journal template/ format & showed written in English language only.
  2. Papers must be original, not be published or under review in another journal or any other media.
  3. Must be sent to:
As part of the paper submission process, the authors are asked to comply with the following items:
  1. The Paper submitted has not been previously published.
  2. The submitted file is uploaded to the online website following the Microsoft Word (MS Word doc), Rich Text Format (RTF), or Open Office(ODT).
  3. The recommended word count for submissions is approximately 7000-8000. A manuscript should be no more than 10.000 words; this limit includes figures, references, and tables. All tables and figures should be inserted into the text. Significant feature articles may be somewhat longer than 10,000 words at the discretion of the editors. The abstract should be less than 250 words. It is not allowed to use abbreviations in the title. The proofreading of the paper should be done before the submission professionally. The journal editor may request the proofreading certificate.
  4. The corresponding author should always be willing to participate in the peer-review process and obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes. A list of references should be included in the submitted paper. Grant/financial support should be stated in the paper if available. All authors are expected to contribute significantly to the research.
  5. Page style: Articles should be typed in 12-point font on an A4 page, paginated, and double-spaced. Margins should be set as top & bottom: 2,5 cm and left & right 2,5 cm. The title should be followed by an abstract of 150 to 250 words and 3 to 5 keywords. Footnotes should be avoided, and endnotes kept to a minimum. All pages should be numbered.
  6. References: Paper format, including references, should follow American Psychological Association (APA) (7th Edition) style.
  7. Article Processing Fee: There is no fee for manuscript submission to Journal. However, CSU journal charges the author(s) an article processing fee. Because our journal works typically by subscription, for the articles to have open access, the author(s) is/are required to pay an article processing charge (APC). The journal has no other choice but open access. The journal has an Article Publishing Charge (APC) to support open access.
  8. Publication Ethics and Plagiarism Policy: Publication Ethics Statement; for all parties involved in the publishing process (authors, Editorial Board, and reviewers), it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior.
  9. The time required for the review process depends on the response of the referees. The review process usually takes 2-3 months, depending on the topic and the reviewers’ availability. Should the referees’ reports contradict one another or a report is unnecessarily delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. In rare cases for which it is tough to find a second referee to review the manuscript, or when the one referee’s report has thoroughly convinced the Editor, decisions at this stage to accept, reject, or ask the author for a revision are made based on only one referee’s report. The Editor’s decision will be sent to the author with recommendations made by the referees, which usually include verbatim comments by the referees. Revised manuscripts might be returned to the initial referees, who may request another manuscript revision.
  10. Complaints Related to Policies, Procedures, Editorial Content, and Actions of the Editorial Staff: The procedure to make a complaint is easy. The complaint can be made by writing an email. Ideally, the complaint should be made to the person with whom the complainant is in regular contact for the matter being complained about. All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days.

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