CSU gets Multi-million funding from CHED for Research Projects

By Office of the President

Posted on January 02, 2019

CHED approved the funding of the first batch of ALIGN-R and D projects totaling to almost 59 million pesos.

Researches are entitled “Center for Data Analytics: Research Capacity Building from Protocol Preparation” (5M), “A Vertical Farming Model of High Value Crops in Cagayan” (15M) , “Kabutehan sa Niyugan: Optimized Utilization of Coconut Waste for the Production and Processing of Different Mushroom Species” (12M+), “Cacao Production, Product and By-product Technology Promotion and Commercialization: A Science and Technology Based Strategy for Employment Generation of CSU Graduates as Agripreneurs and in Support to Ambisyon 2040” (11+M), “Pilot Project on Bamboo Micropropagation, Production and Technology Commercialization” (15M).

The Academe, Local/ National Government and Industry Governance Network for Research and Development or ALIGN-R and D is an offshoot of RA 7722 mandating CHED to direct or redirect purposive research by institutions of higher learning to meet the needs of agro-industrialization and development.

It is a pilot project aimed to align academe and local/ national government resources and networks towards agro-industrial research and development; set-up a network of partners among industry , academe and local governments for agriculture, research and development and support research based on the needs of local communities and/or industries.

The project leaders are Dr. Froilan Pacris Jr., Mr. Zaldy Binarao, Engr.Policarpio Mabborang Jr., Engr. Shirly Agcaoili, Ms. Josie Bas-Ong, Engr. Anderson Gonzalez, Engr. Audy Quebral and Dr. Angelina Gonzalez who are faculty researchers from the campuses of Sanchez Mira, Gonzaga,Lallo and Carig. The Campus Executive Officers and Project leaders attended the MOA signing today.

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