Posted on April 16, 2019
An Exit Conference was conducted to conclude the six months stay of the three Peace Corps Response Volunteers designated in Cagayan State University. The Conference was held today, April 15, 2019, at CSU Andrews’ Conference Hall. The volunteers include Dr. Abby Lynn Winkler Crowley who worked with the College of Teacher Education (CTED) to spearhead the assessment and trainings of CTED faculty members, Mr. George Thomas Williams who advanced the aquaculture and marine fisheries research in Aparri Campus through glass eel and plankton investigation, and Mr. Charles James Reilly, III that used his expertise in data visualization to create comprehensive Land Use Maps for all the campuses.
The peace corps volunteers shared to the group of Campus Executive Officers and Campus Officials their major accomplishments and outputs during the duration of their stay. CEO Dimalanta, Rabanal, and Casauay also gave their testimonials as they served as hosts for the volunteers.
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500
Phone: (078) 844-0098/0099 Loc. 122