By Office of the University President

Posted on December 31, 2023

With an aim to carry forward the spirit of unity and collaboration of CSU Alumni on a global scale, the CSU Global Alumni Association was officially established during the virtual Alumni Kapihan of the CSU Alumni Overseas with the University President held yesterday, December 30, 2023. This will also serve as a platform for alumni to stay connected, share experiences, and contribute to the development of Cagayan State University.
The formation of the association is a product of the Alumni Kapihan with the university president, which is annually organized to provide an opportunity to relive memories and strengthen the bond between Cagayan State University and its alumni. For this year’s Kapihan, graduates who are based abroad gathered for a virtual Balitaan and Kumustahan with the university President, offering a unique chance for them to connect directly with the president and exchange meaningful experiences and success stories. In her message, CSU President Dr. Urdujah G. Alvarado highlighted that the alumni are proof of CSU's strong commitment to excellence, and their success reflects the transformative power of the university as an educational institution. “You are the ambassadors of our academic institution, and your presence is a gift to the world,” she further noted.
As the CSU Global Alumni Association begins its mission, its first set of officers and representatives from various countries such as the USA, Switzerland, Canada, Oman, UAE, Thailand, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, and Japan, was elected. With the new officials, the association presented its plans and projects. These include the identification of assistance to be extended to the campuses, the establishment of a placement and employment portal, the development of an alumni link, representation of the alumni in curricula revision, and other areas where the association can provide support. Mr. James Secretario, a BS in Agriculture graduate from the 2011 batch of Sanchez Mira campus, based in New South Wales, has been elected as its first president. In his message, he stressed his commitment to devoting time to the organization for it to be functional. He further pointed to the Constitution and bylaws of the organization as its compass or anchor, providing clear direction.
The event was attended by the VP for Internationalization, Partnership, and Resource Mobilization, Dr. Theresa B. Dimalanta, the Faculty and Student Regents, Campus Executive Officers, Campus Coordinators for ARPS, Federated Alumni Associations of CSU, Inc., Campus Alumni Association Presidents and officers, and other CSU alumni from across the globe.

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