By Office of the University President | July 12, 2024 |

After a series of graduation ceremonies conducted throughout the university campuses, the CSU Carig Campus concluded the last graduation ceremony for the final batch of the graduating class of 2023-2024 yesterday, July 11, 2024, at the Red Eagles Gymnasium, marking an end to the University’s campuses graduation series.

The last batch of graduates had the opportunity to be addressed by the Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary, Atty. Benjamin “Benhur’ Abalos Jr. through a video message.

In his message to the graduates, Secretary Abalos commended the graduates for successfully hurdling the rigors of their academic journey, pushing them to their limits, and highlighting the tenacity and commitment that they exerted which brought them to this lifetime achievement. Sec Abalos also congratulated the proud parents, for their struggle and commitment in making the education of their children come to life. “Kayo ang dapat pasalamatan dito, dahil kayo ang nigbigay katuparan sa isang pangarap ng inyong mga anak”. He also saluted the instructors for bringing quality instruction to CSU students and for choosing to be public a servant for the youth.

He likewise reminded the graduates to bring with them the Cagayan State University’s core values of competence, social responsibility and unifying presence on whichever path they wish to go beyond graduation, whether it be in the Cagayan region, around the country, or anywhere else in the world. Expressing further his confidence in their capabilities, as CSU has already instilled within them the necessary foundation for the challenges that lie in their future. “As you go out in the portals of the university, bring with you all your learnings and utilize it in actualizing your dream, for yourself, your family, and for the country”. He added.

In his final reminder, he highlighted the importance of utilizing the knowledge they possess in loving and serving the nation. Ultimately, Sec. Abalos assured that tertiary education is a priority under President Marcos’ Administration, Emphasizing the budget allocation for the tertiary education of State Universities and Colleges throughout the country.

Sec. Abalos’ video message was presented by his representative DILG Undersecretary for Project Development Management, Atty. Odilon L. Pasaraba, CESO III, who personally appeared in the ceremony. Previous batches of CSU Carig campus’ graduation ceremonies were likewise graced by Hon. Congressman Joseph Lara and Dr. Zarah D. Lara as guest speakers, sharing their pieces of advice, inspiration, and messages.

Overall, Cagayan State University collectively conferred degrees and titles to a total of 6,600 graduates from across all campuses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.

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