By Office of the University President | Posted on March 15, 2024

In the pursuit of friendship, camaraderie, support and fellowship, delegates from the Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (RASUC-RII) of region 2, convened last March 13, 2024 at Cagayan State University, Claude Andrews Convention Center, for the Conduct of the Regional Culture and the Arts Festival Training-Workshop 2024 hosted by CSU.

“Instead of competing with each other, we should be standing together, hand in hand with the aim of progressing together, state universities and colleges should be as one in moving forward”. This was the message of OIC- Office of the President, Dr. Arthur G. Ibañez as he welcomed the delegates of the seminar. He emphasized that State Universities and Colleges must come together with the shared purpose of supporting one another, offering each other new ideas, sharing knowledge, skills and resources, setting aside differences and focusing on collaborative programs and activities which will boost each and every SUCs.

This was seconded by Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino, President of Isabela State University and RASUC-Region II, stating further that SUCs should be cooperating with each other rather than rivalling on every competition. These competitions should not divide SUCs but instead, it should be an avenue where SUCs are unified with a common goal and advocacy, creating an avenue where SUCs can showcase their talents in Culture and the Arts.

The training-workshop included topics such as; Best practices in the conduct of Socio-Cultural Activities, H.I.B.L.A – Heritage, Identity, Beliefs, Legacy, Artistry sa Norte, and Updates on the Revised Rules Mechanics & Guidelines of the NCAF 2024. These sessions aims to broaden the knowledge of SUCs in the Culture and the Arts, and to streamline and clarify the rules, mechanics, guidelines and updates in the upcoming regional and national Cultural festival competitions to avoid confusion and minimize issues during the events.

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