Research Vision, Mission,
Goals and Objectives


CSU as a competitive Center of RDE excellence significantly contributing to the improved quality of life of urban and rural communities in the Cagayan Valley Region.


To intensively pursue the generation, development, sharing, utilization and application of science-based knowledge, information and innovations for the inclusive agro-industrial development and climate change resiliency of the Cagayan Valley Region.


Goal 1. To explore science-based and innovative solutions that will result in real impacts to

Goal 2. To address pressing needs of communities for resilience through indigenous and science-based knowledge and technologies;

Goal 3. To engage, capacitate and increase access to appropriate knowledge and technologies for sustainable and secure livelihood and wellbeing of communities; and

Goal 4. To upgrade manpower facilities for resilience.


To achieve the above goals, it shall pursue the following objectives:

  1. Develop a new RDE agenda, package RDE proposals in line with its banner programs and the priorities of regional, national and international agencies; identify contemporary issues, challenges and opportunities for RDE; and review and assess the outputs, outcomes and impacts of RDE projects in the university.
  2. Conduct stakeholders’ consultation, need assessment survey, regular multi-sectoral RDE fora and strengthen RDE partnership with regional, national and international agencies;
  3. Develop knowledge and technology management information system and intensify technology transfer and commercialization in the university.
  4. Intensify applications to intellectual property of technological innovations, creations and inventions in the University.

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Contact Us

  • Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500

  • Phone: (078) 844-0098/0099 Loc. 122

  • Email:

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  • Official Gazette
  • Comission on Higher Education
  • Department of Budget and Management
  • Commission on Audit
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Civil Service Commission
  • National Economic and Development Authority