RDE Linkages

List of External Linkages

  1. Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resources Research & Devt.
  2. Philippine Coconut Authority
  3. Department of Science and Technology
  4. Department of Agriculture
  5. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
  6. Department of Trade and Industry
  7. Department of Education
  8. Department of Labor and Employment

Municipal Local Government Units

  1. Health Research Center
  2. Center for Educational Research
  3. Geo-Science and Climate Risks Management Research Center
  4. Cross-Cultural and Indigenous People Study Center
  5. Language Development Center
  6. Entrepreneurship Development Center
  7. Center for Natural Product Research and Development
  8. Hospitality and Tourism Innovation Center
  9. Post-Harvest Technology and Training
  10. Center for Law and Governance
  11. Dairy Research and Training Center
  12. Coconut Research, Extension and Technology Center
  13. Cacao Research and Development Center
  14. Bamboo Research and Training Center
  15. Sustainable Fisheries Resource Management Center
  16. DOST 02 Food Innovation Center
  17. Metal Craft Innovation Center (MCIC)
  18. Tuklas Lunas Center (TLC)
  19. Natural Products Reasearch and Innovation Center (NPRIC) Integrated Coastal Resource Management Center (ICRMC)

Contact Us

  • Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500

  • Phone: (078) 844-0098/0099 Loc. 122

  • Email: president@csu.edu.ph

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  • Official Gazette
  • Comission on Higher Education
  • Department of Budget and Management
  • Commission on Audit
  • Department of Science and Technology
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Civil Service Commission
  • National Economic and Development Authority